Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekly Update- August 28, 2011

Your children are amazing!  They have been engaged in their studies and anxious to learn new materials.  Many lessons have been given and weekly spelling, sight words (golden puzzle words), and science experiments are works in progress.  Personal and daily time lines are almost complete as well as their own creation stories.

We will be having Galileo testing for second and third years this week for Reading and Language Arts.  These are benchmark tests that are given by district.  They are not timed and children will work on them in the silent classroom.  Results will be discussed at your parent teacher conferences.  First years will begin land and water forms, continue with igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, and begin the timeline of life with Finneus Fish.  Thanks to you, we have some new classroom pets that will also be introduced this week!  Have a great week and thank you for your wonderful children!

Ms. Silver and Mrs. Gina

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011

It is requested that you read to your child every night (or have them read to you).

Homework Guidelines: Please sit down with your child every night when they are about to start their homework and go over each of the different sections and directions with them, as I have done in class. Do one section at a time to ensure that they understand what they are supposed to do. At the end of the week, or on Sunday , please check your child’s work.
1. Every Sunday, please have your child put their homework packet for the week into their communication log. This makes it easier for them to remember and to turn it in.
2. Please make sure they have their name on all the papers before coming to school.
3. It would also be helpful to have all papers stapled together.
4. Please always use a pencil when doing homework!
5. Just a reminder: If your child does not finish or turn in homework on Monday, they will be doing it on the wall at recess!

This will make turning in homework on Monday much easier for all of us and stress free!! Please help us by helping your child if you can. Otherwise, please let us know and we can help them in class. Do not leave the entire packet and reading for Sunday evening. This will not work and your child will not get the desired results. Thank you so much for completing the triangle of teacher, child, parent. You are a great help to your child’s education.

August 15, 2011

PTA has requested that I post the message below to all my parents.  It will help eliminate excessive and duplicate e mails being sent to parents with multiple children in our school.  It states:

Please post a reminder on your blogs for parents to opt-in to PTA communication. Just ask them to send their email addresses to

Sunday, August 14, 2011

August 14, 2011

Homework is due on Monday, August 15, 2011.  The children need to have reading for five days.  First years are a minimum of twenty minutes and seconds and thirds are thirty minutes per day.  Their log should include name of book, number of pages read, who read it, and a few sentences telling what they read.  You may include a pictures.  Time line pictures are also due tomorrow and the assignment is below.  Thank you for your assistance in your child's education.

Your child will receive their first homework packet on Monday, August 15, and all Mondays from now on.  If your child does not receive a reading paper from us, please use any lined paper showing the information listed above.  Please try to remember to sign the page.  In order to increase their vocabulary, please have them write down one new word that they have learned from their reading on the same paper.  They need to write the definition and use the word in a sentence.

We want your children to feel good about themselves and take pride in their work.  The assignments have all been reviewed in class to help them understand what is expected.  If there are any questions or additional assistance is needed, please have them see one of us.  We want them to succeed! 

Homework will go home on Mondays and must be responsibly returned by the following Monday.  You will have the weekend to work on it with your child.  Your children's education is the combined effort of student, parent, and teacher.  Your concern for your child's work will help reinforce this and they will give their best effort.

Thank you for all you do and for making this possible.

August 12, 2011

With every a new degree of independence the child has some additional responsibility of work. So the tendency of life is not that of doing nothing, is not that of resting, but that of always doing more and more. The child does not slacken his effort, on the contrary, makes an effort to seek things which are more and more difficult.”

-Maria Montessori

One of our Favorite SMART board websites


The children would like to use Tumblebooks at home.  Enter from any browser to Phoenix Public Library and go to the children's section.  Tumblebooks needs to be typed in or clicked on and can be found in English and Spanish.  Children can listen, read on their own, answer questions, and create searches and games.  Please use this as some of their weekly reading homework and have them write a sentence or two about the story and what they did.

This week we did many works, had Dibbels and AIMS web testing, time lines, and several science experiments.  Children are enjoying their daily work and ended their week with a Big Bang!

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 5, 2011 Welcome!

So far, everyone seems to be happy, healthy, and glad to be back in school.  Our first three days were over before we knew it.  Children are working on sense of community and learning about their classroom.  Peace doves went home on Friday and were also hung around the courtyard. 
Thank you to everyone for returning your district documents and discussing the student handbook with your child.  Canvas bags were worked on and the theme is Peace.  Children understand that they are using these decorative totes as they are reuseable and recycleable.  Our environment is a special resource and we are working on maintaining it.  I, too, will try to use as little paper as possible throughout the year!
Susan Zbick, Meghan's mom, is our e mail parent.  She has the class list and information.  Cristina Chacon, Isiss' mom, is our room parent.  The class schedule, specials schedule and additional information were given out at Back to School Night.  Please feel free to contact me if there is anything else you need.
Homework will be sent home on Monday and will be returned the following Monday.  Parents are responsible for ensuring that the work is done and returned on time.
Parent volunteers are needed to read with the children.  Please let me know when you are available.  This will count towards your ten hours of service.  Parent volunteers are also needed to help with restoration of our environment, materials making, and other activities. Our room parent should be contacted if you can assist our class.  Thank you.
Children will be making personal timelines.  Please send pictures from one year to present age.  Your child will write one sentence at home with you about each picture.  Pictures need to be sent to school, but please don't send your only copy.  I cannot ensure you that they will come home in the same condition they arrived in!  If your child is seven, for example, they will have seven sentences to write.
Mrs. Gina and I are looking forward to an enriching and rewarding year!
Thank you for being a part of our "team"!