Friday, November 7, 2014

Presentations and Thanksgiving

Parents, your children presented their work yesterday (as well as some on Monday and Tuesday).  They were so proud and learned a great deal from their work as well as from each other.  Thank you for your active participation in their work, writing, and public speaking.  I hope you enjoyed working with them and we thank you for partnering in your children’s educational experience.


We give thanks for wonderful parents like you and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!



Ms. Silver and Mrs. Gina

Monday, November 3, 2014

October/ November

Parents, you are amazing!  Thank you so much for your participation in International Children's Day!  With all of you ( and everyone participated and contributed) the day would not have been as memorable for the children.


I feel blessed to have all of you in my life,

Ms. Silver  :)


Please let me know if you plan to join us for the Thanksgiving feast that is prepared by the cafeteria.  I have table cloths but if there's an approximate amount of people, I can have chairs and seating for all.  :)
Report cards will be sent home with your child on Friday.  Kindly sign the envelope to show that you received it and return the envelope only on Wednesday (no school Monday or Tuesday).  You may keep the report card.
Permission slips were sent home today for the Nutcracker and the Snow Queen.  No money is necessary but both are walking trips and we must have permission slips for all field trips.  Thank you!